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The Backpage | FIFA Street Tips



In this week’s Backpage, football journalist and FIFA fan Darren Cross shares some FIFA Street tips that could improve your game.

In this week’s Backpage, football journalist and FIFA fan Darren Cross shares some FIFA Street tips that could improve your game.

The first time I played FIFA Street I thought that, because I play a lot of FIFA 12, I’d be half decent at the game right away and could head straight in to face the CPU on the hardest setting.

Yesterday I powered up FIFA 12 for my first game in a couple of weeks, having been addicted to Street since release, then spent a very confusing online match wondering why holding left trigger didn’t have my player enter Street Ball Control, or why I kept dummying the ball when I was actually trying to flick it up.

My problem was that I’d been playing so much FIFA Street that I’d started doing these things automatically, which is a great advert for the accessibility and simplicity of the Street game and control system, but I can confirm those aren’t the first words that go through your head when you get caught doing keepie-uppies with your centre-back in FIFA 12.

I’d learned the hard way that jumping straight from Street into an online FIFA 12 match can put you at a brief disadvantage. What I should have done was play an exhibition match against a mate or, at the very least, gone up against the CPU at a decent level, just to get my FIFA 12 brain engaged again.

The same is true when you’re going the other way, from FIFA 12 to FIFA Street. Your passing game won’t work here and, even if you do manage to win a match, you’ll pick up far fewer style points playing Street like it’s FIFA 12. So that’s my first tip; before you dive into a World Tour match or an online game in Street, have a practise first or just play Hit The Streets until the controls feel automatic again and you’re back into the one-on-one mind-set.

I’ve picked up a few more tips over the past few weeks, all of which have either helped me win matches or have just made the game more fun to play, so in this week’s Backpage I’m going to share them with you.

Let’s get started…

I know, I know, I’ve just been telling you to forget everything you know about FIFA 12 before you play Street. There are a few handy exceptions though, like the controls that do the same thing in Street as they do in FIFA 12.

For example, you can have a team-mate start a forward run by facing them when you have the ball and tapping LB (L1 for PS3 players), just like you can in FIFA 12. Defensively you can switch players using the right stick – to precisely select the one you want to use – instead of pressing the player change button, you can rush your keeper out by holding Y or Triangle and you can use the same button to drop the ball at your keeper’s feet when it’s in his hands.

I’ve found the team-mate run and right stick player switch to be really useful in Street, so I definitely recommend trying them out for yourself if you haven’t already.

Holding RB or R1 won’t make a team-mate chase the player with the ball, like secondary contain does in FIFA 12. I know this may not sound like a big deal, but if you’re used to using secondary contain then you’ll probably find that your fingers automatically head for RB when you lose the ball. I’ve seen my friends do it when they’ve been sitting next to me, and it can be a couple of games before they realise their AI buddies aren’t really helping out in the way they expect them to.

Also, aiming feels quite different in FIFA Street. Think about how, in FIFA 12, you can run across your opponent’s box and hold finesse and up on the left stick to bend the ball in the far corner. Try that in Street and your shot will be way off target. I’ve found that you’re better to be a little less precise with your aiming and just concentrate on getting your shot on target rather than trying to pick out the corner. This way there’s a decent chance the power of the shot will beat the keeper, or you’ll pick up on a rebound. I got caught out many times by hitting my shots way off target then watching them bounce back off the wall and straight to my opponent, who dribbled up the other end and scored.

Another thing that caught me out a lot initially was the juggle button. When I play FIFA 12 RB gives me finesse, but in Street it obviously flicks the ball up, so it’s something else to think about when you’re moving from one game to the other.

If you hold LB or L1 when you pass or shoot, your player will add flair to the move. Not only will this make your passes and goals look a lot cooler, but you’ll pick up extra style points if you can beat the keeper with a flair shot.

It’ll also trigger really impressive finishes, like the bicycle kick. You can score with one of these in Hit The Streets mode by chipping the ball into your player and shooting while holding LB or L1 when their back is towards goal. If you’re playing in World Tour mode you’ll need to buy the bicycle kick style before you can do the move.

In FIFA 12 the Bergkamp flick – nudging the ball past your opponent with your first touch, and then running around them to receive it – is really difficult to do, but in FIFA Street it’s far easier and very effective.

As the ball comes towards you, press RB or R1 then choose a direction with the left stick. If you timed it right your player will flick the ball past the incoming defender and you’ll be away. It’s a move I use a lot and it works well for me, so give it a go and see what you think.

Beating defenders with Air Moves, particularly when you’re up against human players, is all about timing and being unpredictable.

Before I go for an Air Move I always look at the direction the defender is running towards me from, then direct the exit for the Air Move at the sharpest and most unexpected angle possible without going back on myself.

The unexpected part is really the key. If you can quickly identify what the most obvious exit for your move would be – and so the one the defender will most likely cover – then choose another, you should find your Air Moves will have a better success rate.

Because it can be easier than playing against the CPU.

I like to play World Tour games on Hard difficulty so that I can get to all of the unlockables, but for Futsal and 5v5 games that setting really lives up to its name once you get beyond Stage 1.

After a number of failed attempts to win the Liverpool Futsal Cup on Hard in Stage 2, I chose the Play Online option when prompted to pick the difficulty. This is the equivalent of playing on Hard, so you get all of the Gold unlocks, but I found the competition a lot easier than taking on the CPU.

I definitely recommend giving it a go if you’re struggling like I was.

Those of you that play FIFA 12 will more than likely be used to heading straight for the ball as soon as it’s in play from kick-off. Do that in FIFA Street and you’ll find yourself getting Rainbow Swirled all over the place.

Loads of online players go for an Air Move as soon as the match starts, as they’re expecting you to go charging in. Resist the temptation and hang back, or – best of all – fake a charge then back out quickly. That way there’s a good chance you’ll intercept the Air Move and take possession.

Again, it’s all about identifying what your opponent will be expecting you to do, then actually doing something else.

Shameless Plug Alert!

I’m sharing some FIFA Street defending tips in the latest episode of Pwned, which you can see here on PWNED #20

Take a look if you’re struggling to win the ball back.

That’s all for this week. As always, thanks for reading and please feel free to message me on Twitter @Darren_Cross if there’s a FIFA-related subject you’d like to see covered in a future Backpage.

As always, thanks for reading and see you next week.







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